Church Planting

Healthy things grow and often reproduce.  The same is true for churches.  The Pike Association strongly holds to the belief that churches are responsible for planting other churches.  However, they sometimes need help in this process.  The association’s Church Planting Team prayerfully seeks to encourage and equip churches in and out of the Pike Association to begin a church planting movement throughout eastern Kentucky.  Currently, we have a goal of planting 5 new gospel-centered churches in the area by 2020.

You can learn more about the need for church planting in eastern Kentucky by reading the article “A Broken Heart in Eastern Kentucky” written by our Director of Missions, Jason Lowe.

In 2017, the first new church plant in the Pike Association in over 30 years was planted when Creekside Church was launched with over 250 people in worship on launch Sunday. In 2018, another new church plant was announced as New Life Church is currently in the works to reach students at the University of Pikeville as well as others in the area. 3 more are needed to reach our goal by 2020!

Is God calling you to plant a church in eastern Kentucky? The Pike Association can help.